Contribution to the consultation on the DNSH technical guidance for the Social Climate Fund

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe’s Contribution to the consultation on the DNSH technical guidance for the Social Climate Fund.

CAN Europe’s position is that there is an urgent need for a robust, uniform approach to the implementation of ‘Do No Significant Harm’ (DNSH) across all EU funds. As already developed in CAN Europe’s response to the call for evidence, for activities and sectors that are already covered by the EU Taxonomy, the European Commission should horizontally (across EU funds):

  1. fully align eligible investments with the “substantial contribution” criteria of the EU Taxonomy;
  2. using existing DNSH screening criteria for those sectors;
  3. for energy, buildings, mobility and transport investments whose “substantial contribution” and DNSH criteria have already been flagged as not science-based by environmental CSOs, the Commission should instead use the Independent Science-Based Taxonomy criteria.

Read the full contribution.